Junior Explorer Programs

SGD 1250
Junior Explorer Program
- 10 sessions
Learn through guided play. Pre-primary exposure to learning and discovery through engaging and semi-directed activities.
Rotating activities such as: Art creation and expression, physical and sensory activities, speech and drama, basic arithmetic and linguistics, hands-on craftwork, scientific experiments, excursions and learning journeys, primary school transition.
Lessons are highly customised according to child’s interests and needs.

SGD 300
2 Days Transitional Program
(K2 to P1 or P6 to Sec1)
Children/ Youths, as well as parents with children/youths transitioning to Primary/ Secondary School are bound to be filled with anxiety & uncertainty.
KidDo offers a Transitional Program for children/ youths moving on from their Kindergarten to Primary School/ Primary School to Secondary School that will cover the expected changes and challenges faced in the new school environment.
Topics include: handling cash, social media safety, boundaries, stress management, new routines, goal settings and more…

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Off-site workshops
The team is experienced in conducting off-site workshops for kids’ parties or events.
Workshop type can be further discussed to suit party or event needs.